Statement on the Passing of Antonio Gonzalez, President of Southwest Voter Registration Education Project

Posted by FairVote California on November 16, 2018

(Image Source: Time)

FairVote California expresses its condolences with the family, colleagues, and wide community of allies of Antonio Gonzalez, president of the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP), and of the William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI), who passed away on Sunday, November 11th. 

Antonio was an electoral reform ally and friend in the effort to make our democracy better and more inclusive. He was the central architect of the Latino Vote USA and Latino Vote 2000 campaigns in 1996 and 2000 that mobilized record numbers of new Latino voters across the country. He championed civic engagement and redistricting efforts to improve the lives of the Latinx community. As the convenor of the National Latino Congreso, he supported resolutions that passed in support of the National Popular Vote plan and ranked choice voting. As host of “Strategy Session with Antonio Gonzalez”, which aired on Pacifica’s KPFK in Los Angeles, Antonio would often feature segments on much needed electoral reform issues. Antonio served on the FairVote Board from 2004 to 2008 before joining its Advisory Board. Antonio will be greatly missed.

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  • FairVote California